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Nähfäden für Technische Textilien

Sewing threads for technical textiles

Whether it’s high temperature resistance, silicone-free equipment, rub resistance and wear resistance or acid and alkali resistance – A&E Gütermann offers you the optimal sewing threads.

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high-performance fibres for your safety

Technical textiles are the cream of the crop for sewing threads. Sewing threads used for the manufacture of technical textiles must offer safety and above all impressive durability under extreme stress. Our sewing threads are designed to withstand the harshest conditions. For greater safety and better protection of people and the environment.

our product advantages at a glance:

  • Reißfestigkeit

    tear- and rub-resistant

  • Optimale Haltbarkeit

    optimal durability

  • Optimale Dehnungseigenschaften

    optimal elongation properties

  • Silikonfreie Ausrüstung



Sewing threads for extreme conditions

Big bags are made primarily of PE or PP fabric. Typically, big bags are used to transport heavy objects. These are often seen on construction sites in order to be able to transport bulk material, rocks and waste.

Big bags are normally sewn with a classic lockstitch. You can sew your big bags safely and securely with our polypropylene SF or polyacrylic-dolanit.


The right sewing thread for technical applications

Our product range includes special sewing threads for the manufacture of filters, belts, big bags and parachutes.

For individual technical sewing advice on specific applications or other A&E Gütermann products that have not been mentioned here, please contact our specialists directly.


Certified polyamide sewing threads

Nowadays, most parachutes are made of polyamide fabric. Advantages of polyamide are very good tensile strength and load-bearing capacity. The production of light, thin and air-permeable fabrics is possible. In addition, polyamide is hydrophobic, i.e. largely water-repellent due to its basic chemical structure.

With our polyamide sewing threads certified according to IATF 16949:2016, we offer special yarns that are perfectly suited to all safety-relevant requirements for parachutes.